rip·off [rip-awf, -of]
noun Slang act or instance of ripping off another or others; a theft, cheat, or swindle.
2.exploitation, especially of those who cannot prevent or counter it.
3.a copy or imitation.
4.a person who rips off another or others; thief or swindler.
A ripoff (or rip-off) is a bad financial transaction. Usually it refers to an incident in which a person overpays for something. A ripoff is distinguished from a scam in that a scam involves wrongdoing such as fraud; whether or not something is a ripoff, on the other hand, is a matter of opinion.
From Wikipedia
Welcome to the Rip-Off Report by Robert Brewster Jr.
While the Wikipedia definition has made a distinction between a rip-off and a scam or fraud, we will be going by the definition which encompasses scam, fraud, theft, and swindle into the meaning of the word.
This site is dedicated to exposing the many rip-offs that are perpetrated on people by scoundrels of all types. We will be relentless in our pursuit at shining the light of truth and public scrutiny into the activities of nefarious people victimizing ordinary folks like you and me.
If you know of any rip-off or scam, please feel free to communicate with us and we will look into it. If the story is real, we will publish it here.
Scammers can't go far without unwilling, unsuspecting victims. Our objective is to stop scammers in their tracks by exposing their schemes to protect the public.
Robert Brewster Jr.